Durbanville, Cape Town, Western Cape Baby and Child Development

Specialised Aid, Leadership Programmes, Learning and Reading Difficulties, Skills Development, Learning and Emotional Development, Play Therapy, Self-esteem, Motor Skills Development, Equitherapy, Early Intervension
Home Educational Programme
Educational Programmes for Toddlers staying at home
Learning Difficulties
Learning Difficulties
Learning and Emotional Development
Learning and Emotional Development
Mathematics and Science Development Aid
Mathematics and science Development Aid for Children
Skills Development
Skills Development
Specialised Aid
Specialised Aid
Reading and Spelling Aid
Reading and Spelling Aid


The Unique Playschool

21 Oryx Street
Durbanville, Cape Town
South Africa

We are not only a day care but a playschool with a great deal of depth and excellent standards and program structures.

Christine Copley Registered Counsellor

8 Verdi Boulevard
Sonstraal Heights
Durbanville, Cape Town
South Africa

I am a qualified Registered Counsellor, registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) and the Board of Healthcare Funders (...