Early Intervention

Early Intervention

What is Early Intervention?

Research has proven Early Intervention to be the best form of treatment for a range of disorders in children. In particular children with Developmental Disabilities and/or anxiety difficulties benefit from early intensive intervention. Early Intervention is based on the rapid brain growth and brain flexibility in repairing damage within the first 7 years of life, with the critical years between birth and 5 years. During these early years of life the brain undergoes growth and repair where the grey matter in the brain can be remoulded.
The aim for early intervention is to address the areas that are delayed and develop them in a systematic and natural manner. Early Intervention has been found to be the most effective means of ensuring a child is as functional as possible and achieves his/her full potential.

Early Intervention uses a range of approaches to ensure that all areas of a child’s development are address:

• Biological
• Communication
• Social
• Sensory
• Educational
• Behavioural

What does a successful intervention program look like?

• Needs to be evidence/research based
• Incorporate individual differences
• Family involvement
• Pre/school involvement
• Consider the impact on the family
• Address the disability specifically
• Develops life skills

Positive Behaviour Support

Our aim when considering behaviours of concern or challenging behaviours is to address the communicative function of the behavior for the child. We use social and emotional teaching strategies to redirect challenging behaviour in a more appropriate manner. A Functional Behavioural Assessment is conducted on the behaviour to assess the function and develop a strategy to eliminate and monitor the behaviour.

Why Home – Based Intervention?

Providing intervention in the most naturalistic environment has been shown to be the most effective means of ensuring skills are learnt across environments. Home-based intervention also enables the family to play an active and important role in their child’s development.